Urgent! Sign this Petition Against Insurance Industry Proposed Legislation- Goes to House Floor for Debate on May 4th

April 28, 2017

HB 1774 is out of committee and going to debate on the House floor on Thursday May 4, 2017. This bill, along with its companion bill out of the Texas Senate, SB 10, seeks to reduce a policyholder’s rights and abilities to hold insurance companies accountable for denied, delayed or underpaid insurance claims.  If you are a Texas homeowner or business owner, this bill affects you!  The insurance industry has been spending millions of dollars of your policy premiums to lobby hard this session to get attention in the legislature.  Now is the time to stand up and tell your state representatives and state senators what you think about this billion dollar industry making it even harder for you to get what you owe on claims.   Please sign this petition ASAP!  This will send a direct message to the members of the House that they need to fight for you, not big insurance.  The time to act is now.  It only takes a minute to sign the petition, but the effect can be life changing.

No blue tarp bills

After you sign the petition, call, email, and write your state representatives and state senators.  You can find out who your representative is by going to this link:   Who Represents Me?

Let your voice be heard!  Say no to big insurance trying to take away your policyholder rights!  Please feel free to share this post anywhere on social media or other blogs.  The more exposure we get, the harder it will be for the legislature to ignore our message.

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